
Kindergarten Supporting Details Curriculum Resources

Introduce young readers to the concept of recognizing supporting details in text with our interactive and printable curriculum resources. These resources guide children through identifying and understanding supporting details in various texts in an engaging and accessible format, improving overall reading comprehension.

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1 - The Pool—Short Story - thumbnail
The Pool—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1,RL.K.10 - Samantha and Sarah's Fun Day—Short Story - thumbnail
Samantha and Sarah's Fun Day—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1,RL.K.10 - Puppy Playing!—Short Story - thumbnail
Puppy Playing!—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...


interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1 - The Pool—Short Story - thumbnail
The Pool—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1,RL.K.10 - Puppy Playing!—Short Story - thumbnail
Puppy Playing!—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1,RL.K.10 - Samantha and Sarah's Fun Day—Short Story - thumbnail
Samantha and Sarah's Fun Day—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.1 - Finding Text Evidence - thumbnail
Finding Text Evidence
Students will read a short realistic fiction passage and answer multiple choice questions that requi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.1 - Story Details and Elements - thumbnail
Story Details and Elements
In this worksheet students will read a short story passage and answer multiple choice questions that...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.1 - Citing Textual Evidence - thumbnail
Citing Textual Evidence
In this worksheet students will read a short realistic fiction passage and answer multiple choice qu...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.2.8,RI.2.10 - Use of Reason and Evidence - thumbnail
Use of Reason and Evidence
This informational text on the benefits of reading will ask students to find the main point the auth...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.K.8 - Teachers—Informational Text - thumbnail
Teachers—Informational Text
This worksheet will help your students to find the main point an author is trying to make, as well a...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.2.10,RL.3.10,RL.3.1,RL.2.2,RL.3.2,RI.3.10,RL.3.3 - Learning about Sea Turtles - thumbnail
Learning about Sea Turtles
Embark on a journey through Evan's science report on sea turtles. Delve into the lives of these fasc...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Turtle Sense of Smell - thumbnail
Turtle Sense of Smell
Turtles possess a remarkably developed sense of smell that plays a crucial role in their survival an...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Turtle Sense of Sight - thumbnail
Turtle Sense of Sight
Turtles have evolved sophisticated visual systems that are well-adapted to their diverse habitats an...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.1,RI.1.2,RI.1.8 - What Do Starfish Eat? - thumbnail
What Do Starfish Eat?
Starfish, or sea stars, are fascinating marine predators with unique feeding habits that play a cruc...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.1,RI.1.2,RI.1.8 - How Starfish Move - thumbnail
How Starfish Move
Starfish, also known as sea stars, have a fascinating method of locomotion that sets them apart from...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.2.8,RI.2.10 - Author's Points and Reasons - thumbnail
Author's Points and Reasons
This informational text on the benefits of sleep will ask students to find the main point the author...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.2.8,RI.2.10,RI.2.6,RI.2.1 - Health Breakfast—Author's Purpose - thumbnail
Health Breakfast—Author's Purpose
This informational text on the benefits of a healthy breakfast will ask students to find the main po...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.9,RI.2.9,RI.2.10 - Compare and Contrast How to Attract Birds & Butterflies - thumbnail
Compare and Contrast How to Attract Birds & Butterflies
This 1st grade informational text worksheet focuses on RI.1.9 by having students compare and contras...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.9,RI.1.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4 - Compare and Contrast Birds vs Bats - thumbnail
Compare and Contrast Birds vs Bats
This worksheet on comparing and contrasting informational texts is a great introduction to this skil...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.8,RI.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4 - Author's Purpose Brushing Teeth - thumbnail
Author's Purpose Brushing Teeth
This informational text on brushing your teeth will help students practice author's purpose and mess...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.8,RI.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4 - Author's Purpose Halloween - thumbnail
Author's Purpose Halloween
This Halloween-themed, short, informational text is a great way to practice author's purpose. Studen...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.8 - Blue Whales—Using Evidence - thumbnail
Blue Whales—Using Evidence
This reading comprehension worksheet has students read an informational passage about blue whales. I...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.8 - Peregrines Supporting Evidence - thumbnail
Peregrines Supporting Evidence
This reading comprehension worksheet has students read a short informational passage about peregrine...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.8 - Healthy Diet—Author's Use of Reasons and Evidence - thumbnail
Healthy Diet—Author's Use of Reasons and Evidence
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.6,RI.5.5,RI.5.8,RI.5.9 - Penguins Supporting Evidence - thumbnail
Penguins Supporting Evidence
This informational text on penguins is a great way to practice finding the main point and reasons to...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.K.8 - Elephants—Informational Text - thumbnail
Elephants—Informational Text
This worksheet will help your students to find the main point an author is trying to make, as well a...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.K.8 - Healthy Eating—Informational Text - thumbnail
Healthy Eating—Informational Text
This worksheet will help your students to find the main point an author is trying to make, as well a...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.9.B - Mountain Animal Adaptations - thumbnail
Mountain Animal Adaptations
This reading comprehension worksheet focuses on the topic of animal adaptations for survival in moun...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.9.B - Author's Use of Reasons and Evidence - thumbnail
Author's Use of Reasons and Evidence
This reading comprehension worksheet focuses on the topic of animal adaptations for survival in dese...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.1.B - Musuem Visit — Supporting Details - thumbnail
Musuem Visit — Supporting Details
Students will read a passage about a science museum field trip and answer engaging multiple choice q...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.1.B - Pizza Party — Supporting Details - thumbnail
Pizza Party — Supporting Details
Engage students with this fun pizza party passage and multiple choice questions that assess identifi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.1.B - Zoo Visit — Supporting Details - thumbnail
Zoo Visit — Supporting Details
Students read a passage about a trip to the zoo and identify the main idea and 3 supporting details....
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.9.B - Reading Literature — Analysis Worksheet - thumbnail
Reading Literature — Analysis Worksheet
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.9.B - Informative Writing — Analysis Worksheet - thumbnail
Informative Writing — Analysis Worksheet
This reading comprehension worksheet has students read a passage from Wishtree and answer multiple c...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.9.B - Animal Adaptations in the Rainforest - thumbnail
Animal Adaptations in the Rainforest
This 5th grade ELA worksheet explores the fascinating adaptations animals have developed to thrive i...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.2.8,RI.2.1,RI.2.2 - Supporting Points in Informational Text - thumbnail
Supporting Points in Informational Text
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.4-2,RL.1.4-2 - Happy Birthday Cake - thumbnail
Happy Birthday Cake
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.1,RI.4.2,RI.4.3.4.RI.4.7,4-ESS2-2,4-ESS3-2,5-ESS2-1 - How Do Scientists Study Past Climates? - thumbnail
How Do Scientists Study Past Climates?
Students will analyze how tools like ice cores and tree rings provide scientific evidence about Eart...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.3.2,L.3.4.A,RF.3.4.C,RL.3.5,RL.3.3,RL.2.2,RL.2.10,RL.3.10,RL.3.1,RL.2.2,RL,RL.3.3 - Baxter and the Missing Diary Caper - thumbnail
Baxter and the Missing Diary Caper
In this short mystery story, Baxter the clever talking dog uses his detective skills to solve the ca...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.2.10,RL.3.10,RL.3.1,RL.2.2,RL.3.2,RI.3.10,RL.3.3,RL.1.10 - The Olympic Games - thumbnail
The Olympic Games
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Backwards Halloween - thumbnail
The Backwards Halloween
In the quirky Topsy-Turvy Town, Halloween is celebrated backwards: kids wear inside-out costumes and...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Mix-Up Witch - thumbnail
The Mix-Up Witch
Wendy the Witch's Halloween excitement leads to a comical mix-up when she accidentally grabs her cat...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Mission Control Room - thumbnail
The Mission Control Room
This comprehensive passage introduces students to the complex world of space mission control, connec...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Space Food Lab - thumbnail
The Space Food Lab
This engaging passage explores the fascinating world of space food technology, aligning with NGSS st...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.3 - Connecting Details to Theme - thumbnail
Connecting Details to Theme
This reading comprehension activity has 5th grade students read a short story and answer multiple ch...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.3 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl - thumbnail
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.3 - Connecting Details to Theme - Short Story - thumbnail
Connecting Details to Theme - Short Story
Best Short stories for 5th graders
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.5.2 - The Lost Key—Short Story - thumbnail
The Lost Key—Short Story
Read the captivating story of 'The Lost Key' and its characters, events, and setting. Engage student...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.1,RI.3.2,RI.3.8 - Main Idea and Supporting Details in Informational Text - thumbnail
Main Idea and Supporting Details in Informational Text
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.2.E - The Benefits of Physical Activity - thumbnail
The Benefits of Physical Activity
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.2.E - The History of the United States - thumbnail
The History of the United States
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.8,RI.1.1,RI.1.2 - Supporting Points in Informational Text - thumbnail
Supporting Points in Informational Text
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