In the quirky Topsy-Turvy Town, Halloween is celebrated backwards: kids wear inside-out costumes and give candy to adults! Little Max, thinking this tradition is silly, decides to wear his costume the right way and collect candy instead. His 'backwards' approach to the backwards Halloween surprises everyone, earning him the title of Most Creative Costume. This whimsical tale challenges young readers to think outside the box and consider different perspectives. The story's unique premise provides an excellent backdrop for discussing cultural traditions, creativity, and the concept of 'normal' versus 'different', all while improving reading comprehension and analytical skills. The clear characters, setting, and sequence of events make this story an ideal tool for teaching students to identify key elements in a narrative, as required by CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3.
Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
Illustrated by: