
Kindergarten Reading Literature Curriculum Resources

Explore the world of literature with our Reading Literature curriculum resources designed for young learners. Covering various literary elements, these resources provide a comprehensive approach to understanding and appreciating literature in an engaging and accessible format, fostering a strong foundation in reading skills.

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.3 - Julia's Day—Short Story - thumbnail
Julia's Day—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1 - The Pool—Short Story - thumbnail
The Pool—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1,RL.K.10 - Samantha and Sarah's Fun Day—Short Story - thumbnail
Samantha and Sarah's Fun Day—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.2 - Retelling Stories - Graphic Organizer - thumbnail
Retelling Stories - Graphic Organizer
This drawing template is a great way to see if your readers can retell the story. Students will draw...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.K.5 - Book Covers - thumbnail
Book Covers
This worksheet will help your class to understand the elements of a book cover. Students must identi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.1,RL.K.10 - Puppy Playing!—Short Story - thumbnail
Puppy Playing!—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.3 - My Day At School—Short Story - thumbnail
My Day At School—Short Story
This short story is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.2 - Retelling Stories - thumbnail
Retelling Stories
This graphic oragnizer is a great way to see if your readers can retell the story. Students will lis...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.10 - Mo the Cat—Short Story - thumbnail
Mo the Cat—Short Story
This short story is a great way for emergent readers to practice their reading skills. Students will...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.2 - My Story Summary - thumbnail
My Story Summary
Students will use this writing template to record the summary of a story they read!
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.4 - Soccer Time—Short Story - thumbnail
Soccer Time—Short Story
This short story is a great way to identify and define unknown words using context. Students will re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.4 - The Bakery—Short Story - thumbnail
The Bakery—Short Story
This short story is a great way to identify and define unknown words using context. Students will re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.5 - Recognize Different Types of Texts - thumbnail
Recognize Different Types of Texts
This worksheet is a great way to practice identifying the different types of texts. Students will re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.5 - Recognizing Text Types—Lions - thumbnail
Recognizing Text Types—Lions
This worksheet is a great way to practice identifying the different types of texts. Students will re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.5 - Identifying Text Types - thumbnail
Identifying Text Types
This worksheet is a great way to practice identifying the different types of texts. Students will re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.6 - Book Cover Information - thumbnail
Book Cover Information
This activity will get students familiar with navigating book covers. Students must choose three boo...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.6 - Authors and Illustrators - thumbnail
Authors and Illustrators
This activity will get students familiar with navigating book covers. Students will look at the book...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.6 - Authors Illustrators - thumbnail
Authors Illustrators
This activity will get students familiar with navigating book covers. Students will look at the book...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.7 - Using Images - thumbnail
Using Images
This matching activity is perfect practice for using illustrations. Students will look at the images...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.9 - Character Comparison - thumbnail
Character Comparison
This graphic organizer is perfect for comparing characters in stories! Students will read two storie...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.10 - The Magical Forest—Short Story - thumbnail
The Magical Forest—Short Story
This short story is a great way for emergent readers to practice their reading skills. Students will...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.3 - Setting and Main Character - thumbnail
Setting and Main Character
This template is a great way to practice story elements with your readers. Students will read the st...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.10 - Grocery Shopping—Short Story - thumbnail
Grocery Shopping—Short Story
This short story is a great way for emergent readers to practice their reading skills. Students will...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.4 - Jessica's Day—Short Story - thumbnail
Jessica's Day—Short Story
This short story is a great way to identify and define unknown words using context. Students will re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.7 - Using Illustrations - thumbnail
Using Illustrations
Practice using illustrations in literature with this short story. Students will read the passage and...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.7 - Suzie—Using Illustrations in Literature - thumbnail
Suzie—Using Illustrations in Literature
Practice using illustrations in literature with this short story. Students will read the passage and...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.9 - Adventures of Goldilocks in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" - thumbnail
Adventures of Goldilocks in "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.9 - Comparing Characters - thumbnail
Comparing Characters
This simple worksheet demonstrates comparing and contrasting characters between two classic fairy ta...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.K.9 - Adventures of Characters in ‘The Three Little Pigs - thumbnail
Adventures of Characters in ‘The Three Little Pigs
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - How Things Move - thumbnail
How Things Move
This passage introduces kindergarteners to the basics of motion and forces, aligned with NGSS Standa...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Rolling and Sliding - thumbnail
Rolling and Sliding
This passage focuses on helping kindergarten students understand the differences between rolling and...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Lily and Her Busy Day - thumbnail
Lily and Her Busy Day
This short story introduces young learners to the concepts of motion and forces, specifically rollin...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Observing Sunlight and Heat - thumbnail
Observing Sunlight and Heat
This reading passage introduces children to the concept of how sunlight affects Earth’s surfaces. Us...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Warmth from the Sun - thumbnail
Warmth from the Sun
This reading passage tells the story of Liam at the beach, exploring how sunlight affects the temper...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Building Shade Structures - thumbnail
Building Shade Structures
In this passage, Alex and Mia use a simple tent to block sunlight and create a cooler place to play....
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Shade from the Sun - thumbnail
Shade from the Sun
In this story, Leo and Emma use an umbrella to block the sunlight and stay cool while playing in the...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Soccer Game - thumbnail
The Soccer Game
This educational passage explores the NGSS K-PS2-1 standard through a relatable soccer scenario. Stu...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Moving Boxes - thumbnail
Moving Boxes
This passage aligns with NGSS K-PS2-1 by demonstrating how different strengths of pushes affect obje...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Hungry Organisms - thumbnail
Hungry Organisms
This educational passage addresses NGSS K-LS1-1 by comparing plant and animal survival needs through...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Food for Animals - thumbnail
Food for Animals
This passage supports NGSS K-LS1-1 learning by showcasing different animal feeding patterns. Through...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Plant Helpers - thumbnail
Plant Helpers
This passage explores NGSS K-LS1-1 through the interdependent relationship between bees and flowers....
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Marble Race - thumbnail
The Marble Race
This passage addresses NGSS K-PS2-2 through a simple engineering investigation with marbles. Student...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Billy's Bouncing Ball - thumbnail
Billy's Bouncing Ball
This passage supports NGSS K-PS2-2 learning by showing how design solutions can solve motion problem...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Hot Playground - thumbnail
The Hot Playground
This passage explores NGSS K-PS3-1 through familiar playground experiences. Students observe how sun...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Beach Day Science - thumbnail
Beach Day Science
This passage addresses NGSS K-PS3-1 by comparing temperature differences in materials exposed to sun...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - The Sun Shelter - thumbnail
The Sun Shelter
This passage addresses NGSS K-PS3-2 through a practical experiment with sun shelters. Students learn...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Maria's Cool Shade Idea - thumbnail
Maria's Cool Shade Idea
This passage supports NGSS K-PS3-2 learning by showing how simple structures can protect plants from...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Ms. Lee's Weather Watchers - thumbnail
Ms. Lee's Weather Watchers
This passage addresses NGSS K-ESS2-1 through systematic weather observations. Students learn to trac...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Sam’s Temperature Track - thumbnail
Sam’s Temperature Track
This passage supports NGSS K-ESS2-1 learning by tracking temperature changes throughout the day. Thr...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS  - Beaver The Builder Animals - thumbnail
Beaver The Builder Animals
This passage explores NGSS K-ESS2-2 through examples of animals modifying their environment. Student...
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