
Grade 5 Earth's Systems Worksheets

Explore Earth's Systems concepts with our comprehensive science worksheets aligned with NGSS standards. Interactive and printable resources for K-12 learners across all grade levels.

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interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.4.6 - A Conversation on the Environment - thumbnail
A Conversation on the Environment
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.10,RI.3.9,RI.3.1,RF.3.4,RF.3.4.A,RI.3.1 - Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores - thumbnail
Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores
This informational text on herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores is the perfect resource for compar...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.9 - Comparing Volcano Texts - thumbnail
Comparing Volcano Texts
This reading comprehension worksheet has 5th grade students read two informational passages about vo...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.9 - Comparing Weather and Climate Texts - thumbnail
Comparing Weather and Climate Texts
This reading comprehension worksheet has 5th graders read two informational texts about Weather and ...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.3,RI.1.10,RI.1.9 - Hawks vs Falcons—Compare and Contrast - thumbnail
Hawks vs Falcons—Compare and Contrast
This informational text is a great way to practice compare and contrast. Students will read two pass...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.5 - Mitigating Methane Emissions in a Specific Industry - thumbnail
Mitigating Methane Emissions in a Specific Industry
This writing activity encourages students to conduct research, analyze information, and propose solu...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.4,4-ESS3,ESS3.B,4-ESS3-1 - Natural Disasters and Urban flooding - thumbnail
Natural Disasters and Urban flooding
This reading comprehension worksheet focuses on the topic of natural disasters, specifically urban f...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.10,RF.3.4,RF.3.4.A,RI.3.1,RF.2.4,RF.2.4.A - Informational Text — Cloud Gazing - thumbnail
Informational Text — Cloud Gazing
This informational text teaches students how different types of clouds are formed. A page with pictu...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.5.A,L.1.5 - Comparing Living vs Nonliving Things - thumbnail
Comparing Living vs Nonliving Things
This science sheet will test to see if students understand the difference between living and nonlivi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.5.A,L.1.5 - Vocabulary—Living vs Nonliving Things - thumbnail
Vocabulary—Living vs Nonliving Things
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.5.A,L.1.5 - Vocabulary Summer or Winter? - thumbnail
Vocabulary Summer or Winter?
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 4-PS3-2,W.4.8,PS3.A - Energy Sources—Recall Relevant Information - thumbnail
Energy Sources—Recall Relevant Information
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 4-PS3-2,W.4.8,PS3.A - Types of Energy - thumbnail
Types of Energy
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 4-PS3-2,W.4.8,PS3.A - Exploring Energy—Gathering Relevant Information - thumbnail
Exploring Energy—Gathering Relevant Information
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.7,3-ESS3-1 - Earthquake Safety Measures - thumbnail
Earthquake Safety Measures
Teach children how to respond to natural disasters such as earthquakes with this writing worksheet. ...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.7,3-ESS3-1 - Wildfire Safety Measures - thumbnail
Wildfire Safety Measures
Teach children how to respond to natural disasters such as wildfires with this writing worksheet. Al...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.6 - Ways to reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills - thumbnail
Ways to reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.5 - The Full Moon in Native American Culture - thumbnail
The Full Moon in Native American Culture
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.5 - Moon Phases Around the World - thumbnail
Moon Phases Around the World
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.7-1 - Research Project: Energy Sources - thumbnail
Research Project: Energy Sources
Students choose an energy source to research using at least 3 provided sources. They take notes and ...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.7-1 - Research Project: Endangered Animals - thumbnail
Research Project: Endangered Animals
Students pick an endangered animal and use 3 given sources to research its habitat, characteristics,...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.4 - Simple Machines Science Report - thumbnail
Simple Machines Science Report
This science writing task requires students to clearly explain how three simple machines work using ...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.5 - The Phases of the Moon - thumbnail
The Phases of the Moon
By conducting thorough research, students will acquire a deeper understanding of the moon's transfor...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.5.4 - Plant and Animal Cell Comparison - thumbnail
Plant and Animal Cell Comparison
This comparative writing task requires using the compare/contrast text structure appropriate to anal...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RF.3.4.C,L.3.4.A - Brilliant Beetles—Find the definition - thumbnail
Brilliant Beetles—Find the definition
This informational text on beeltes is perfect for teaching context clues. Students will read the tex...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.4.6 - Breathtaking Volcano Experience - thumbnail
Breathtaking Volcano Experience
The worksheet tells the story of the Johnson family's visit to the renowned Kilauea volcano, providi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.4.10 - Informational Text — Fascinating Fungi - thumbnail
Informational Text — Fascinating Fungi
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RF.5.4.A,RF.5.4.B - Reading Comprehension: Sun - thumbnail
Reading Comprehension: Sun
This reading comprehension worksheet, aligned with CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.5.4.a, features short inform...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.2,RI.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4.B,RF.1.4 - Falling Leaves—Reading Fluency Passage - thumbnail
Falling Leaves—Reading Fluency Passage
This informational text on falling leaves with comprehension questions is a great way to practice re...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.10,RF.3.4,RF.3.4.A,RL.3.1,RI.3.3,RI.3.4,RI.3.7 - Life Cycles - thumbnail
Life Cycles
This informational text on life cycles takes students through two cycles: the frog life cycle, and t...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.4,RI.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4 - The Desert—Context Clues - thumbnail
The Desert—Context Clues
This informational text is a great way to build vocabulary and practice context clues. Students will...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.1,RI.1.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4.B - Hummingbirds—Reading Fluency - thumbnail
Hummingbirds—Reading Fluency
This informational text on hummingbirds with comprehension questions is a great way to practice read...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.8,3-ESS2-1,3-ESS2-2,RI.3.1 - Human Factors Affecting Climate - thumbnail
Human Factors Affecting Climate
This science worksheet is designed to help students understand the significant impact of human facto...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.8,RL.4.1-1,3-ESS2-1,3-ESS2-2,5-ESS3-1,RI.3.1 - Understanding the Greenhouse Effect - thumbnail
Understanding the Greenhouse Effect
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.2.2,RF.2.4.A,RF.2.4,RI.2.10,RI.2.1,RI.2.6,RI.3.10,RI.3.1,RI.3.2 - Reading Comprehension— Storms - thumbnail
Reading Comprehension— Storms
Practie summarizing paragraphs with this fun science informational text on storms! Students will giv...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.3.6,L.3.4.A - Science Vocabulary - thumbnail
Science Vocabulary
This worksheet on domain-specific words will help students learn some science vocabulary. Students w...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.3.6,L.3.4.A - Medical Vocabulary - thumbnail
Medical Vocabulary
This worksheet on domain-specific language will help students learn some medical vocabulary. Student...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.6 - Handy Helpers —Authors Point of View - thumbnail
Handy Helpers —Authors Point of View
This informational text on pollinators and decomposers is perfect for teaching point of view. Studen...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.2,RF.3.4,RI.3.1 - Koi Fish—What’s the Main Idea? - thumbnail
Koi Fish—What’s the Main Idea?
This informational text on koi fish is a great introduction to teaching main idea. Students will be ...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.9 - Informational Text —How to Grow Avocados - thumbnail
Informational Text —How to Grow Avocados
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.9,4-PS3-4,3-ESS3-1,5-ESS3-1 - Renewable Energy — Wind Farms - thumbnail
Renewable Energy — Wind Farms
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.8,5-ESS3-1 - Recycling is a Must - thumbnail
Recycling is a Must
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.4 - Ocean Acidification - thumbnail
Ocean Acidification
Download this reading comprehension worksheet about ocean acidification. The worksheet includes an i...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.2 - The Space Needle - thumbnail
The Space Needle
Students read a passage about the history and features of Seattle's Space Needle, then answer compre...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.9.B - Ocean Animal Adaptations - thumbnail
Ocean Animal Adaptations
Students will read a passage that provides information about various adaptations that marine animals...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.K.2 - The Park—Informational Text - thumbnail
The Park—Informational Text
This informational text is a great way for early readers to practice their comprehension skills. Thi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.4.7,RI.4.1,ESS3B - Earthquakes and Infrastructure - thumbnail
Earthquakes and Infrastructure
Get this worksheet about the effects of earthquakes on infrastructure. The worksheet includes an inf...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.1.1,RI.1.10,RF.1.4.A,RF.1.4.B - Stars—Reading for Purpose - thumbnail
Stars—Reading for Purpose
This informational text on stars with comprehension questions is a great way to practice reading com...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.4 - Vegetarian Diet—Words and Phrases in a Text - thumbnail
Vegetarian Diet—Words and Phrases in a Text
Fifth-grade students will explore the world of vegetarian diets through this engaging worksheet alig...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.4.8,3-ESS2-1,3-ESS2-2,RI.3.1 - Natural Factors affecting Climate - thumbnail
Natural Factors affecting Climate
This science worksheet is designed to help students understand the significant impact of natural fac...
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