Time to Travel! Worksheet

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This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS W.3.7,W.3.2.B,W.3.8 - Time to Travel! - page 1interactive

About the Time to Travel! Worksheet

Time to Travel! is an engaging cultural exploration activity that encourages students to dream about and research international destinations. This interactive and printable worksheet, that aligns with the Common Core State Standards, Time to Travel, guides students through investigating various aspects of their chosen country, from sports and cuisine to interesting facts and national symbols.

The worksheet combines personal reflection with cultural research, featuring sections for students to express their reasons for choosing a particular country while exploring its unique characteristics. Through structured inquiry about sports, food, and cultural facts, students gain a broader understanding of global diversity. The creative component of drawing the country's flag and the cheerful travel-themed illustrations make learning about different cultures both educational and enjoyable.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Cultural awareness and global perspectives
  • Research skills and fact organization
  • Geography and world cultures
  • Personal preference reflection and reasoning

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will articulate reasons for international travel preferences
  • Students will research and document cultural information
  • Students will demonstrate understanding of national symbols
  • Students will explore global sports and cuisines


  • This interactive worksheet develops research and cultural understanding skills
  • Learn to organize information about different countries


  • Practice writing skills while recording information
  • Develop artistic skills through flag drawing


  • Build appreciation for different cultures
  • Develop curiosity about global travel


  • Learn to express interest in other cultures
  • Practice discussing cultural differences respectfully


international travel, cultural awareness, global education, geography skills, world cultures, research skills, flag design, cultural exploration, elementary education, global perspectives, cultural diversity, travel planning, educational activities, cultural research, world studies

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jacqueline Juliano
Illustrated by: Aiden Khuiphum

Common core standards covered

Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.
Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into provided categories.

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