Sunspots and solar flares are two amazing things that happen on the Sun, but they are different in some ways. Sunspots are dark, cool areas on the Sun’s surface. They look like freckles and are caused by strong magnetic fields that block heat from coming up. Sunspots can last for days or even months!
On the other hand, solar flares are like huge explosions on the Sun. They happen when the magnetic fields get all tangled up and then suddenly snap, releasing a lot of energy and light. Solar flares are super bright and hot, and they only last for a short time, from a few minutes to a few hours.
Both sunspots and solar flares are caused by the Sun’s magnetic fields, but they have different effects on the Earth. Sunspots can sometimes make it a little harder for us to use radios and GPS, while solar flares can create beautiful auroras and sometimes cause problems with satellites and power grids.
In a way, sunspots and solar flares are like siblings – they come from the same place (the Sun) and are caused by similar things (magnetic fields), but they look and act differently!
1. What are sunspots?
2. What causes sunspots to form?
3. How long can sunspots last?
4. What are solar flares?
5. What do sunspots look like on the Sun’s surface?
6. How long can solar flares last?
7. Which of these can solar flares cause on Earth?
8. How do solar flares affect Earth?