"We have a veggie vanishing mystery!" Baxter announced, sniffing the garden. Emma's mom was puzzled why her freshly planted vegetables kept disappearing from their garden.
"Hmm, faint paw prints here," Baxter muttered, examining the dirt. "And white fur caught on the fence! These clues point to our fluffy neighbor cat Marshmallow as the veggie stealing culprit."
Baxter approached the cat napping nearby. "Ah ha, Marshmallow! The jig is up. Why are you stealing from Emma's garden?"
Marshmallow yawned. "Oh fine, you got me detective dog. I just can't resist fresh peppers and green beans! I'll stop stealing veggies if Emma's mom plants some catnip too."
"Case closed!" Baxter declared. "With teamwork and clues, we solved the mystery!" Baxter did a silly happy dance, excited to tell Emma the vanishing veggies caper was over.
1. What was disappearing from the garden?
2. What clue helped Baxter link Marshmallow to the mystery?
3. Why was Marshmallow stealing the vegetables?
4. How is the mystery solved?