
Sentence Structure Worksheets

Enhance grammar skills in elementary students with our Sentence Structure worksheets. These resources provide a structured approach to understanding and constructing sentences in different forms, fostering a strong foundation in grammar.

1st Grade Sentence Structure worksheets

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.1.J,L.1.1 - Complete and Incomplete Sentences - thumbnail
Complete and Incomplete Sentences
This community helpers-themed sheet is perfect for teaching complete sentences! Students must identi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.1.J,L.1.1 - Writing Complete Sentences - thumbnail
Writing Complete Sentences
Practice writing complete sentences with this fun activity! Students must write a complete sentence ...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.1.J,L.1.1 - I Can Write Complete Sentences - thumbnail
I Can Write Complete Sentences
This writing worksheet teaches young students to construct basic complete sentences correctly. Stude...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RF.1.1.A,L.1.2,L.1.2.A,L.1.2.B - Investigating Sentences - thumbnail
Investigating Sentences

2nd Grade Sentence Structure worksheets

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.2.1.F,L.2.1 - Sentence Fragment - thumbnail
Sentence Fragment
Practice writing sentences with this worksheet. Students must rewrite the fragments as complete sent...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.2.1.F,L.2.1 - Make a Sentence - thumbnail
Make a Sentence
Practing forming sentences with this fun sheet. Students are given three words and must use all of t...

3rd Grade Sentence Structure worksheets

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.3.1.I,L.3.1 - Complete Sentence or Fragment? - thumbnail
Complete Sentence or Fragment?
Get your students familiar with the difference between complete sentences and fragments with this wo...

4th Grade Sentence Structure worksheets

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.4.1.F - Complete the Sentences - thumbnail
Complete the Sentences
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.4.1.F - Determiners - thumbnail
This worksheet on determiners is a great way to introduce this skill. Students must identify the det...

Kindergarten topics for worksheets related to Sentences from Workybooks

Grade 1 topics for worksheets related to Sentences from Workybooks

Grade 2 topics for worksheets related to Sentences from Workybooks

Grade 3 topics for worksheets related to Sentences from Workybooks

Grade 4 topics for worksheets related to Sentences from Workybooks

Grade 5 topics for worksheets related to Sentences from Workybooks

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