Explore Biodiversity concepts with our comprehensive science curriculum resources aligned with NGSS standards. Interactive and printable resources for K-12 learners across all grade levels.
Why the Great Barrier Reef Matters
This passage highlights the critical importance of the Great Barrier Reef for both nature and humans...
Life in the Great Barrier Reef
This passage delves into the rich biodiversity of the Great Barrier Reef. It describes the vast arra...
How Corals Build the Reef
This passage explains the fascinating process of how coral polyps build the Great Barrier Reef. It d...
The Blue Whale- Endangered Species
The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth, feeding on krill and found in oceans worldwide. Liste...
Furbish’s Lousewort- A Rare Flowering Plant
Furbish’s Lousewort is a rare flowering plant found only in Maine and New Brunswick. Discovered by b...
The Principle of Island Biogeography
The Principle of Island Biogeography explains how island size and distance from the mainland affect ...
Silviculture: The Science of Forest Management
Silviculture is the science of growing and managing forests to meet goals like timber production, bi...