
Social Studies Reading Comprehension Curriculum Resources

Build reading comprehension skills in young readers with our Social Studies Reading Comprehension curriculum resources. These resources cover various social studies topics, guiding children through understanding and interpreting texts related to history, geography, and more, in an engaging and accessible format, improving overall reading proficiency.

2nd Grade Social Studies Reading Comprehension curriculum-resources

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.2.10,RI.2.1,RI.2.2,RI.2.4 - Reading Comprehension - Science and Social Studies - thumbnail
Reading Comprehension - Science and Social Studies

3rd Grade Social Studies Reading Comprehension curriculum-resources

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.10,RF.3.4,RF.3.4.A,RI.3.1 - Informational Text —Meet the Governors - thumbnail
Informational Text —Meet the Governors
This worksheet will get your students thinking about their state governnor. Included is an informati...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.10,RF.3.4,RF.3.4.A,RI.3.1 - Informational Text on Goods and Services - thumbnail
Informational Text on Goods and Services
This short informational text on goods and services will get your students familliar with this conce...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.3.10 - Informational Text — American Flag - thumbnail
Informational Text — American Flag
This informational text on the American flag will teach students about what the stars, stripes, and ...

5th Grade Social Studies Reading Comprehension curriculum-resources

interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.10 - The March on Washington - thumbnail
The March on Washington
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.4 - Types of Maps—Contextual Clues - thumbnail
Types of Maps—Contextual Clues
Explore the world of maps with this worksheet. After reading the passage, students are presented wit...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.3,RI.5.10 - Mesopotamia—Informatonal Text - thumbnail
Mesopotamia—Informatonal Text
This informational text on Mesopotamia is a great way to practice reading comprehension. Students wi...
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.10 - Rosa Park The Montgomery Bus Boycott - thumbnail
Rosa Park The Montgomery Bus Boycott
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RI.5.2 - Cartography and Cartographers - thumbnail
Cartography and Cartographers

Kindergarten topics for curriculum resources related to Reading Comprehension from Workybooks

Grade 1 topics for curriculum resources related to Reading Comprehension from Workybooks

Grade 2 topics for curriculum resources related to Reading Comprehension from Workybooks

Grade 3 topics for curriculum resources related to Reading Comprehension from Workybooks

Grade 4 topics for curriculum resources related to Reading Comprehension from Workybooks

Grade 5 topics for curriculum resources related to Reading Comprehension from Workybooks

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