Read, Write and Build 20 Worksheet

Premium Resource
This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS K.NBT.A.10 - Read, Write and Build 20 - page 1interactive

About the Worksheet

This interactive and printable worksheet,, titled "I can Read, Write and Build 20," is designed to help children practice reading, writing, and building the number 20. The worksheet features a combination of reading, writing, and drawing activities, allowing students to reinforce their understanding of the number 20 through various modalities.

This interactive and printable worksheet, presents 20 vertical lines, accompanied by the written form of the number "twenty" and the numeral "20" repeated three times. Children are encouraged to read the written form, write the numeral, and build or draw the number 20 using the provided lines.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

Through this worksheet, your child will learn:

  • Recognition and representation of the number 20 in numeral and written form.
  • Counting and drawing objects up to 20.
  • Writing the numeral 20 correctly.
  • Connecting the numeral 20 with the written form "twenty."
  • Fine motor skills through drawing and building activities.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for this worksheet are:


  • Identify and recognize the number 20 in numeral and written form.
  • Understand the concept of counting and representing quantities up to 20.


  • Develop fine motor skills through drawing and building activities.
  • Practice correct formation of the numeral 20.


  • Build confidence in recognizing and representing numbers.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards learning numbers.


  • Engage in collaborative learning activities with peers or adults.
  • Develop communication skills by discussing and explaining their work.


Number 20 worksheet, reading and writing numbers, counting practice, fine motor skills, kindergarten math, early numeracy, number recognition, numeral formation, interactive learning, printable worksheet, online worksheet, math learning resources.

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Serena Din
Illustrated by: Sagar Kumar

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