5th Grade Classifying Shapes Worksheet

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This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 5.G.B.4 - 5th Grade Classifying Shapes - page 1interactive

About the "Classifying Shapes 2" Worksheet

Classifying Shapes 2 is an engaging and interactive geometry worksheet designed to enhance students' understanding of shape properties and classification. This interactive and printable worksheet presents a unique drag-and-drop activity that challenges students to sort various geometric shapes into two distinct groups, labeled A and B. The visual and hands-on nature of this exercise encourages students to actively analyze and compare different shapes, promoting a deeper comprehension of their characteristics and similarities.

The worksheet's format allows students to physically manipulate the shapes, moving them into the appropriate group based on their properties. This kinesthetic approach to learning geometry not only reinforces students' knowledge of basic geometric figures but also develops their ability to recognize patterns and shared attributes among different shapes. By deciding which group each shape belongs to, students are required to think critically about the defining features of various geometric figures, such as the number of sides, angles, symmetry, or other specific properties. This classification exercise helps students build a strong foundation in geometry while honing their analytical and decision-making skills in a fun and interactive manner.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Identifying and categorizing shapes based on their properties
  • Recognizing common characteristics among different geometric figures
  • Developing skills in visual discrimination and pattern recognition
  • Enhancing understanding of geometric vocabulary and concepts
  • Improving decision-making skills in the context of shape classification

Learning Outcomes


  • Correctly classify at least 80% of the given shapes into the appropriate groups within 15 minutes
  • Articulate the common properties that define each group of shapes with at least three accurate descriptors


  • Demonstrate precise hand-eye coordination when dragging and dropping shapes into their correct categories
  • If applicable, accurately trace or draw examples of shapes that fit into each group to reinforce understanding


  • Show increased confidence in approaching shape classification tasks
  • Exhibit curiosity about the relationships between different geometric shapes and their properties


  • Engage in collaborative discussions with peers to compare and justify shape classifications
  • Practice explaining reasoning behind shape categorizations clearly and respectfully to others


geometry, shape classification, drag-and-drop activity, visual learning, pattern recognition, critical thinking, interactive math worksheet, 5th grade math, spatial reasoning, geometric properties

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Serena DIn
Illustrated by: Sagar Kumar

Common core standards covered

Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.

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