Multi digit Division Worksheet

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interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 4.NBT.B.6 - Multi digit Division - page 1interactive

About the "Divide: Area Model" Worksheet

This interactive and printable worksheet, "Divide: Area Model," is designed to help students develop their understanding of division using the area model. The worksheet provides a step-by-step approach to solving division problems by visually representing the division process using an area model.

Through this worksheet, students will learn to apply the area model to divide larger numbers, breaking down the division process into manageable steps. The worksheet encourages students to explore and understand the relationship between multiplication and division, as well as the role of place value in division operations.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Applying the area model to solve division problems involving larger numbers
  • Developing a deeper understanding of the connection between multiplication and division
  • Recognizing the importance of place value in division operations
  • Enhancing problem-solving skills and logical thinking

Learning Outcomes


  • Demonstrate the ability to use the area model to solve division problems
  • Explain the relationship between multiplication and division in the context of the area model
  • Analyze the role of place value in division operations


  • Accurately apply the area model to divide larger numbers
  • Develop fluency in utilizing the area model as a division strategy


  • Develop confidence in tackling division problems using the area model
  • Foster a growth mindset and a willingness to explore different problem-solving approaches


  • Collaborate with peers to discuss and share different strategies for using the area model in division
  • Communicate mathematical reasoning and strategies effectively


division, area model, multiplication, place value, problem-solving, logical thinking, cognitive, psychomotor, affective, interpersonal/social


Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective, Interpersonal/Social

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jessica Campbell
Illustrated by: Sagar Kumar

Common core standards covered

Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and one-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.

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