2-Digit Multiplication Worksheet

Premium Resource
This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 4.NBT.A.1 - 2-Digit Multiplication - page 1interactive

About the "Multiply 10 Worksheet"

This interactive and printable worksheet titled "Multiply 10 Worksheet" is designed to help students in the 4th grade (4.NBT.A.1-2) practice and strengthen their understanding of multiplying numbers by 10. The worksheet presents a series of multiplication equations involving the number 10, challenging students to apply their knowledge of this fundamental concept.

This worksheet encourages students to actively engage with the material, allowing them to demonstrate their ability to multiply various numbers by 10. By working through the equations provided, students will deepen their grasp of place value and the effects of multiplying by powers of 10, an essential skill in mathematical reasoning and problem-solving.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Understand the concept of multiplying numbers by 10 and the effect on place value.
  • Develop proficiency in performing multiplication with 10 as a factor.
  • Apply their knowledge of place value and multiplication to solve a variety of equations.
  • Build confidence and fluency in basic multiplication facts involving the number 10.

Learning Outcomes


  • Demonstrate the ability to multiply numbers by 10 accurately.
  • Explain the relationship between multiplication by 10 and changes in place value.
  • Apply problem-solving skills to solve a range of multiplication equations involving 10.


  • Develop fluency in performing multiplication with 10 as a factor.
  • Enhance fine motor skills through the written practice of multiplication equations.


  • Develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and multiplication concepts.
  • Foster a sense of confidence and self-efficacy in their mathematical abilities.


  • Engage in collaborative discussions and problem-solving activities related to the worksheet content.
  • Communicate mathematical reasoning and strategies with peers and teachers.


4th grade, multiplication, 10, place value, interactive worksheet, printable worksheet, math practice, 4.NBT.A.1-2, Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective, Interpersonal/Social

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jacqueline Juliano
Illustrated by: Sagar Kumar

Common core standards covered

Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.

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