Identifying Prepositions Worksheet

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This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.4.1.E - Identifying Prepositions - page 1interactive

About the "Preposition practice" Worksheet

Preposition practice is an engaging grammar exercise designed to enhance students' understanding and identification of prepositional phrases within sentences. This interactive and printable worksheet begins with a brief explanation that most prepositions indicate time, place, or movement, setting the stage for the practice that follows. The worksheet presents ten carefully crafted sentences, each containing a prepositional phrase that students are tasked with underlining.

The sentences in this worksheet cover a wide range of scenarios, from everyday activities to more abstract concepts. This interactive and printable worksheet offers diverse examples such as "She went up the stairs to get to her bedroom" and "He is in danger of not passing the test," providing students with a comprehensive practice in identifying prepositional phrases in various contexts. By working through these sentences, students not only reinforce their grasp of prepositional phrases but also gain exposure to different types of prepositions and their usage in sentence construction, thereby improving their overall language skills and comprehension.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Identification and underlining of prepositional phrases in sentences
  • Recognition of prepositions indicating time, place, and movement
  • Understanding the role of prepositional phrases in sentence structure
  • Exposure to various prepositions and their contextual usage

Learning Outcomes


  • Students will correctly identify and underline prepositional phrases in 8 out of 10 sentences
  • Students will explain the function of at least three different prepositions in context


  • Students will accurately underline all prepositional phrases in the given sentences
  • Students will write five original sentences using different prepositional phrases


  • Students will demonstrate increased confidence in identifying prepositional phrases
  • Students will show enthusiasm for exploring more complex sentence structures


  • Students will collaborate in pairs to check and discuss their identified prepositional phrases
  • Students will participate in a group activity creating a story using multiple prepositional phrases


prepositions, prepositional phrases, grammar practice, sentence structure, language skills, time prepositions, place prepositions, movement prepositions, English language, elementary grammar

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
Illustrated by: Sagar Kumar

Common core standards covered

Form and use prepositional phrases.

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