Word Families Worksheet

Premium Resource
This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.3.2.F,L.3.3 - Word Families - page 1interactive

About the Word Families Worksheet

Word Families offers an innovative approach to understanding word patterns and construction through an engaging sorting activity. This interactive and printable worksheet, that aligns with the Common Core State Standards, Word Families, challenges students to combine letter combinations with four different word endings (-ent, -est, -ick, and -ing) to create real words. The worksheet introduces an important concept that single letters or letter combinations can be used with multiple endings, helping students understand the versatility of word formation.

The activity features a clear visual organization with letter combinations presented in a central box and four basket illustrations representing different word families. Students must analyze each letter combination and determine which endings can create valid words, with the unique feature that letters can be used in multiple baskets. The worksheet's gentle blue color scheme and basket imagery create an inviting learning environment, while the detailed instructions with examples ("sing" vs "sest") help students understand the task requirements clearly.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Understanding of word patterns and common endings
  • Recognition of valid word combinations
  • Flexible thinking in word formation
  • Vocabulary expansion through word family exploration

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will correctly sort letter combinations into appropriate word families with 85% accuracy
  • Students will identify at least three valid words for each word ending
  • Students will demonstrate understanding that letters can form multiple words


  • This interactive worksheet develops analytical thinking in word construction
  • Enhances understanding of letter-sound relationships and word patterns


  • The worksheet improves visual tracking skills while sorting letters
  • Develops spatial organization abilities through basket sorting


  • Builds confidence in word-building skills
  • Encourages persistence in finding multiple solutions


  • The worksheet promotes collaborative learning through word discovery
  • Encourages peer discussion about word validity and patterns


word families, phonics instruction, vocabulary building, word patterns, letter combinations, reading skills, language arts, elementary education, interactive learning, educational worksheet, Common Core aligned, word formation, literacy development, phonological awareness, sorting activities

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jacqueline Juliano
Illustrated by: Sean Hnedak

Common core standards covered

Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

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