Telling Time Worksheet

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This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS 2.MD.C.7 - Telling Time - page 1interactive

About the "Telling Time" Worksheet

Telling Time. This interactive and printable worksheet helps children learn to tell time on analog clocks by asking them to identify the time shown on four different clock faces. The worksheet presents four illustrated clocks, each displaying a different time in hours and minutes. Students must carefully examine each clock and provide the corresponding time, which exercises their ability to read and interpret analog clock displays accurately.

This engaging and visually appealing worksheet serves as a valuable tool for reinforcing the essential skill of telling time, a fundamental concept in developing a strong understanding of time measurement and time management from an early age. By practicing with this worksheet, children can enhance their proficiency in recognizing and articulating the hours and minutes depicted on analog clocks, laying a solid foundation for future time-related learning and practical applications in their daily lives.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Recognizing and identifying the hour and minute hands on analog clocks
  • Associating the positions of the hour and minute hands with the corresponding time
  • Developing the ability to read and interpret analog clock displays accurately
  • Reinforcing the concept of time measurement and its practical applications

Learning Outcomes


  • Understand the relationship between the positions of the hour and minute hands and the corresponding time
  • Recognize and interpret the hour and minute markings on analog clock faces


  • Develop the ability to accurately read and report the time displayed on analog clocks
  • Enhance hand-eye coordination through visual processing and time identification


  • Develop a sense of confidence and accomplishment in mastering the skill of telling time
  • Foster an appreciation for the practical applications of time measurement in daily life


  • Communicate and articulate time accurately, enhancing interpersonal interactions
  • Develop time management skills, contributing to personal and social responsibilities


Telling Time, Analog Clocks, Time Measurement, Time Management, Visual Processing, Hand-Eye Coordination, Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective, Interpersonal/Social

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jessica Campbell
Illustrated by: Sean Hnedak

Common core standards covered

Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.

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