The Rainbow Poem Worksheet

Premium Resource
This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS RL.1.10 - The Rainbow Poem - page 1interactive

About the Worksheet

This interactive and printable worksheet, Rainbow Poem worksheet is an engaging and educational resource that encourages children to explore their creativity through reading and drawing. This interactive and printable worksheet features a delightful poem about a rainbow, inviting children to visualize and illustrate the vibrant colors described in the verses.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

Through this worksheet, children will learn:

  • Reading comprehension skills by following the narrative of the poem
  • Imagination and creative expression by drawing their interpretation of a rainbow
  • Color recognition and association by identifying and illustrating the colors mentioned in the poem
  • Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination through the drawing activity

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for this worksheet are:


  • Demonstrate comprehension of the poem by identifying the colors and sequence mentioned
  • Apply knowledge of colors to create a visual representation of a rainbow


  • Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination through the drawing activity


  • Foster creativity and self-expression through the drawing task
  • Appreciate the beauty of rainbows and nature through the poem


  • Encourage sharing and discussing their rainbow drawings with others


Rainbow Poem Worksheet, Color Recognition, Creative Drawing, Reading Comprehension, Fine Motor Skills, Interactive Learning, Printable PDF, Early Childhood Education, Imaginative Play, Poetry for Kids, Nature Appreciation

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jacqueline Juliano
Illustrated by: Sean Hnedak

Common core standards covered

With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1.

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