Pizza Party—Comma Practice Worksheet

This learning resource is available in interactive and printable formats. The interactive worksshet can be played online and assigned to students. The Printable PDF version can be downloaded and printed for completion by hand.
interactive | printable worksheet on CCSS L.1.2.C,L.1.2 - Pizza Party—Comma Practice - page 1interactive

About the Pizza Party Worksheet

Pizza Party is an engaging grammar exercise focused on teaching proper comma usage through a fun, relatable story about planning a pizza party. This interactive and printable worksheet, that aligns with the Common Core State Standards, Pizza Party presents students with a paragraph about party planning that requires them to identify where commas should be placed. The worksheet cleverly incorporates multiple instances where commas are needed, including lists of names, pizza toppings, and family members, making the learning experience both practical and enjoyable.

The worksheet features a warm, inviting design with pizza illustrations and friendly animal characters enjoying their party preparations. The text is presented in a clear, easy-to-read format with adequate spacing for students to add commas where needed. The story's content is deliberately structured to include various types of comma usage, such as separating items in a series and using commas before coordinating conjunctions. The familiar context of a pizza party helps students connect grammar rules to real-life situations while maintaining their interest in the task.

What will your child learn through this worksheet?

  • Proper use of commas in lists and series
  • Recognition of where commas are needed in sentences
  • Understanding of comma usage before coordinating conjunctions
  • Application of comma rules in context

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will correctly place commas in lists with 90% accuracy
  • Students will identify appropriate locations for commas in a paragraph
  • Students will demonstrate understanding of comma usage in various contexts
  • Students will apply proper punctuation rules in connected text


  • This interactive worksheet develops analytical skills in identifying comma placement
  • Students learn to recognize patterns in comma usage through contextual examples


  • The worksheet enhances fine motor skills through comma placement practice
  • Students develop handwriting precision when adding punctuation marks


  • This interactive worksheet builds confidence in punctuation usage
  • Students develop positive associations with grammar through engaging content


  • The worksheet encourages discussion about punctuation choices
  • Students practice explaining their comma placement decisions to others


comma usage, punctuation rules, list writing, series punctuation, grammar practice, elementary writing, language arts, sentence structure, interactive learning, writing conventions, comma placement, reading comprehension, paragraph editing, basic grammar, story punctuation

Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Jacqueline Juliano
Illustrated by: Sean Hnedak

Common core standards covered

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series.

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