Main causes of a heat dome? — Passage and Quiz

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Heat domes are caused by specific atmospheric patterns, primarily involving high-pressure systems. These high-pressure areas act like a cap, trapping hot air underneath and preventing it from escaping. Clear skies and calm weather associated with these systems allow the sun to continuously heat the ground and air, increasing temperatures. Occasionally, warmer-than-usual ocean temperatures contribute to the formation of heat domes by heating the air above, which then moves over land. Climate change can intensify and increase the frequency of these events. Understand the main causes of heat domes and test your knowledge with engaging multiple-choice questions.
Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
Illustrated by:

Main causes of a heat dome?

Heat domes are caused by special patterns in the way air moves high up in the sky. These patterns are part of our planet's weather system.


The main cause of a heat dome is high pressure in the atmosphere. This is an area where the air pressure is higher than the areas around it. This high pressure acts like a cap, trapping hot air underneath.


High-pressure systems often bring clear skies and calm weather. The sun keeps shining through the clear skies, heating the ground and the air even more. With nowhere for the hot air to go, it just keeps getting hotter.


In a heat dome, a very strong high-pressure system gets stuck in one place. It's like a big, invisible mountain of air that doesn't want to move.


Sometimes, changes in ocean temperatures can help create the conditions for a heat dome. When ocean water is warmer than usual, it can cause the air above it to heat up too. This warm air can then move over land, creating a heat dome. Climate change can make heat domes more common and intense.


1. What is the main cause of a heat dome?

Low pressure in the atmosphere
High pressure in the atmosphere
Strong winds
Heavy rainfall

2. What kind of weather does a high-pressure system often bring?

Rainy and windy
Cloudy and cool
Stormy and wet
Clear and calm

3. How can ocean temperatures affect heat domes?

They have no effect
Colder oceans create more heat domes
Only frozen oceans cause heat domes
Warmer oceans can contribute to heat dome formation

4. What can make heat domes more common and intense?

More trees
Increased rainfall
Climate change
Colder winters

Common core standards covered

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

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