Emma looked out the window and frowned. "It's raining again, May!" she said to her little sister. May smiled and replied, "Let's have an indoor picnic!" The girls spread a blanket on the living room floor. They made sandwiches and brought their stuffed animals to join the fun. As they ate, they heard thunder. "One, two, three..." Emma counted. BOOM! "The storm is three miles away," she explained. May clapped excitedly. After their picnic, they built a fort with blankets and pillows. Inside, they read stories and giggled as the rain pattered on the roof. When the sun finally peeked out, Emma and May saw a beautiful rainbow. "Rainy days can be fun too!"
Emma said, hugging her sister.
1. What did Emma see when she looked out the window?
2. What did May suggest they do?
3. How did Emma know how far away the storm was?
4. What did the girls see when the sun came out?