Bony Bob, the hungriest skeleton in town, faces a unique Halloween challenge - he has an uncontrollable sweet tooth but no bag for trick-or-treating! With quick thinking, Bob removes his rib cage and uses it as a candy basket. As he rattles down Spooky Street collecting treats, children giggle at the amusing sight of a skeleton with a rib cage full of candy. By the end of the night, Bob's improvised container is overflowing with sweets, and he becomes the star of the town's Halloween parade. This clever and humorous tale teaches children about creative problem-solving and thinking outside the box. The story's vivid Halloween setting, clear character motivation, and unexpected solution make it an excellent tool for developing reading comprehension skills. It aligns perfectly with CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3, allowing students to practice identifying and describing characters, settings, and major events in a story while enjoying a fun Halloween adventure.
Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
Illustrated by: