Sammy the Skeleton loves to dance, but his bones always fall apart when he moves too much. Determined to join the big Halloween costume party, Sammy cleverly dons a full-body astronaut costume to keep his bones together. His unique solution allows him to dance freely, impressing everyone at the party. The twist comes when Sammy wins the costume contest and his true identity is revealed, resulting in surprised laughter and applause. This entertaining story teaches children about creative problem-solving, self-confidence, and the joy of being oneself. With its vivid Halloween setting and memorable characters, the tale provides an excellent opportunity for young readers to practice identifying key story elements and understanding character motivations, as required by CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3. The clear sequence of events and problem-solution structure make it an ideal tool for developing reading comprehension skills.
Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
Illustrated by: