On Pumpkin Street, a unique jack-o'-lantern named Jack possesses the extraordinary ability to talk, but his shyness keeps him from being heard. Jack's life changes on Halloween night when a little girl named Lily stops to admire him, prompting Jack to overcome his shyness and speak up. This unexpected interaction leads to a night filled with jokes, stories, and new friendships as more children gather to hear the talking pumpkin. The story concludes with Jack becoming a beloved Halloween attraction, transforming Pumpkin Street into the town's most popular trick-or-treating destination. This enchanting tale explores themes of overcoming shyness, the value of self-expression, and the joy of friendship. With its vivid Halloween setting and heartwarming narrative, the story provides an excellent opportunity for young readers to practice identifying key story elements and understanding character development, as required by CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3.
Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
Illustrated by: