On Pumpkin Street, there lived a lonely jack-o'-lantern named Jack. Unlike other pumpkins, Jack could talk! But he was so shy, he only whispered, and no one ever heard him.
On Halloween night, a little girl named Lily stopped to admire Jack. "What a beautiful pumpkin!" she said. Jack was so happy, he forgot to be shy and shouted, "Thank you!"
Lily was surprised but delighted. She talked with Jack all night, and soon other children gathered around to hear Jack's funny jokes and spooky stories.
From that Halloween on, Jack was never lonely again. Every year, children would visit Pumpkin Street to hear the amazing talking jack-o'-lantern, making it the most popular spot in town for trick-or-treating.
1. Who is the main character of this story?
2. Where does the story take place?
3. What makes Jack different from other pumpkins?
4. How does the story end?