The world of turtles is incredibly diverse, with over 350 species showcasing a wide array of shapes, sizes, and adaptations. Box turtles, known for their hinged plastron that allows them to completely enclose themselves for protection, are a common sight in many parts of North America. Snapping turtles, with their powerful jaws and aggressive demeanor, are formidable predators in freshwater habitats. Sea turtles, such as the endangered Kemp's ridley and the majestic leatherback, have streamlined bodies perfect for oceanic life. Painted turtles brighten up ponds and lakes with their vibrant shell patterns, while softshell turtles intrigue with their leathery carapaces. The Galápagos giant tortoise stands out as one of the largest land turtles, capable of living over a century. Each turtle species has evolved unique features to suit its specific environment and lifestyle. From the small musk turtle to the massive alligator snapping turtle, the variety in turtle species reflects millions of years of evolutionary adaptation to diverse ecological niches
Publisher: Workybooks
Written by:Neha Goel Tripathi
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