Main Idea Worksheet for 3rd Grade

What is the Main Idea?
Imagine a tree with many branches, leaves, and fruits. The main idea is like the trunk of the tree. It’s the strong, central part that supports and connects everything else. The branches, leaves, and fruits are like the details, examples, and supporting information in the story or passage. They all grow from and are connected to the trunk, just as the details and examples in a text are all related to and support the main idea.
If you cut down the trunk, the whole tree falls because it can’t stand without its main support. Similarly, if you take away the main idea, the whole story or passage loses its meaning and purpose. The trunk is the most essential part of the tree, just like the main idea is the most important message the author wants to convey.

How to Finding the Main Idea:
Okay, so how do we find this strong, central trunk? Well, the branches, leaves, and fruits help us with that! They give us clues and hints, like a trail of leaves leading to the trunk. Sometimes, the main idea is right there at the beginning of the story, like a tree with a big, obvious trunk. Other times, we have to search for it among all the other details, like a tree with a hidden trunk surrounded by dense foliage.
Picking Out Supporting Details:
Just like a superhero needs sidekicks, the main idea has its supporting details. These are like the little pieces of evidence that help prove the main idea is true. They might ask questions like “What else did the story tell us about the main idea?” or “What examples did the author use to explain the main idea?”
Main Idea Worksheet for 3rd Grade (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.2)
Third-grade students are expected to determine the main idea of a text, recount the key details, and explain how they support the main idea.
Here are Worksheets that can be used for Teaching Main Idea to 3rd Graders
1. Main Idea Worksheet – Informational Text on Spiders
This informational text on spiders worksheet is a great introduction to teaching the main idea. Students will be asked, in multiple choice format, what the main idea is of the text. Then they will determine the details that support the main idea (also through multiple choice).

2. Reading Fluency Passage – Learn About Dinosaurs
This informational text on dinosaurs with comprehension questions to follow is perfect for teaching main idea. 3rd grade students will be asked to give the main idea of the text as well as answer questions related to details in the text.

3. Koi Fish – What’s the Main Idea?
This main idea worksheet 3rd grade on koi fish is a great introduction to teaching main idea. Students will be asked, in multiple choice format, what the main idea is of the text. Then they will determine the details that support the main idea (also through multiple choice).