Free Printable 5th Grade Science Worksheets and Activities
Free Common Core-aligned 5th grade science worksheets covering cells, simple machines & endangered species to boost scientific literacy.

Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus: 5th Grade ELA
Transform the classic 'Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus' into 5th grade ELA lessons.Common Core-aligned writing prompts, and worksheets.

Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Welcome to Concrete Nouns vs. Abstract Nouns, where you’ll explore the fascinating world of words that name everything around us! But...

What is an Abstract Noun? Abstract Nouns List: A-Z
Have you ever tried to catch happiness or hold onto love? It’s pretty tricky, isn’t it? That’s because these things...

Halloween Worksheets & Free Printables
Halloween is always one of the most enjoyable holidays of the year for young students. As teachers, we have a...

How to Write a Narrative Essay?
Narrative essay writing is a form of storytelling where the writer shares a personal experience, incident, or series of events...

Using Character Traits in Literature
Character traits describe the qualities that make up a character’s personality. All characters in stories and books behave in certain...

Teaching Main Idea With Graphic Organizer
Tired of students staring blankly at the text, unable to grasp the gist? Let teaching the main idea with graphic...

Informative Writing Worksheets: Free & Interactive
Tap into common core standards on informational texts with our reading comprehension worksheets featuring interactive worksheets! 1. Graphic Organizer Worksheets:...