Fraction & Decimals is a comprehensive mathematics resource designed to help students master the conversion between fractions and decimal numbers. This interactive and printable worksheet, that aligns with the Common Core State Standards, Fraction & Decimals, presents students with a variety of fractions with denominators of 10 and 100, requiring them to convert each into its decimal equivalent. The worksheet features a clean, organized layout with eighteen different fraction-to-decimal conversion problems arranged in a clear, easy-to-follow format.
The problems are thoughtfully selected to include both tenths and hundredths, giving students practice with different levels of decimal place values. The fractions range from simple conversions like 1/10 to more complex numbers like 97/100, providing a thorough practice of decimal conversion skills. Each problem includes a designated space for writing the decimal answer, encouraging proper mathematical notation and organization. The progression of problems helps students develop fluency in converting between fractional and decimal representations of numbers.
fractions, decimals, number conversion, place value, tenths, hundredths, mathematical notation, number sense, elementary math, fraction conversion, decimal numbers, mathematical reasoning, number relationships, mathematical skills, decimal notation